Welcome to Design Awards blog. I created this blog to put awarded or nomineed products, so they are the newest and hottest trends. Please have a look at my blog, send me your oppinions and feel free to give me new ideas so i can complete it.

8 Responses to “About”

  1. Richard Boyd Says:

    Hi Alice
    Great idea we will be following what you blog. Good luck

  2. Alice Says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your appreciation. Hope for a new visit soon! Here you`ll find the awarded products in the world of decoration.

  3. gagatreerep Says:

    Brilliant blog!

  4. Alice Says:

    Thank you very much for your appreciation!! Hope you`ll find always a reason for a new visit on my blog!

  5. rachael Says:

    i love that sofa!

  6. Martin Says:

    Excellent blog! A search function or even better a simpler type of categorisation would be a great help to navigate your site.

    Keep up the good work!


  7. Alice Says:

    🙂 Thank you for your opinion and for reading my blog. I will add a search function.:) Keep in touch and enjoy the blog.

  8. azadeh Says:

    Thanks a lot for such a good site you have, that’s an excellent idea to collect all design awards together.
    Good luck.

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